Thursday, September 9, 2010

What An (Almost) Perfect Day Feels Like

Yesterday was, actually, a perfect food day. But it has to be "almost" perfect...

"Perfect" is on an outbound train at the moment, remember?

Anyhow, yesterday was the first day I followed LA's recommendations exactly. The action-oriented achiever in me wanted to tackle it, wanted to go to bed at night feeling like I had kicked anorexia's sorry little ass. We had a discussion on Tuesday about just eating the meal plan, even if it is the same "safe" foods over and over again. At this point, getting three meals and a snack in is the goal. We'll work on "challenge" foods much later in the process (The Mr. is secretly excited about the possibility of that happening soon...he can't wait until going out for ice cream or eating from a fast food restaurant is on the treatment to-do list).

So yesterday, I approached the "Stick-to-the-Meal-Plan" goal like it were a race, a marathon, a major swim meet. I ran it over in my mind. I planned each meal. I thought about how I would handle each meal and the temptation to run, purge, or jump off a building after consuming what most people consider to be a normal (if not minimal) day's worth of nourishment.

I decided to go for it. Throw caution to the wind. Eat. Leave it in the body so it can work it's magic. F*#% it.

And it felt damn good. Here's what I ate on my first "perfect" day (I'll set the stage for you too)...

Breakfast (7:00am...standing in my kitchen in a bra and boxer shorts, no makeup, hair wrapped in a towel...Al Roker reporting the weather from New Orleans...)

1 whole grain waffle with all-natural peanut butter, slice bananas, almonds on top
Small glass of orange juice to choke down my recommended multi-vitamin and a calcium chew

Mid-morning caloric beverage (I fight LA on this one all the my desk...prepping to go teach a class of 25+ college freshmen...)

Vitamin water (not the Zero kind either...full-throttle, medicinal-tasting Vitamin water. That's right...bring it on. I'm eating today.)

Lunch (At my desk, working like crazy on editing some video footage, inwardly cursing at my students for not coming to class prepared an hour earlier, chatting on IM with my boss)

1 cup Amy's organic black bean and vegetable chili
Raw vegetables with hummus

Afternoon snack (Just before leaving work while mentally preparing for a hell of a run with my running group)

Granny Smith apple
Greek yogurt (I usually buy the plain kind with honey because it has fewer calories, but The Mr. did the shopping this week and bought the caramel one...not sure if that was done on purpose, but what the hell, ate it anyhow).

Evening run (An amazingly carthartic 6 miles with my friend K on my heels the whole time pushing my pace...Country music a la Nashville blaring on the iPod...Felt strong. Felt amazing. Felt like I could probably engage in some runner trash-talking and it would be totally legit...)

(No food on the run, obviously...but I had to touch upon that run because it was the kind of run a runner lives for).

Moving on...

Dinner (At my kitchen table...after my appointment with Dr. Joe...with my dog begging for a bite, barking like a banchee, and scratching the hell out of my legs...)

Small grilled chicken breast
Steamed broccoli
1 cup brown and wild rice

Before bed (Back in a bra and my kitchen...about to pass out while standing up...)

Small glass of fat-free chocolate milk (LA makes me do this for extra calcium, protein, and to recover from runs)

...and that was that. Not a lot of food. Less than what a "normal" person would eat in a day. But a big step from Ensure and an intravenous drip.

Was it easy? Nope. But I Just Did It.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really good day M! Great job :)
